While the HIDTA program is principally a "market disruption" effort, we recognize that law enforcement alone is not a solution to the region's drug abuse problems. By reducing the demand for drugs, countless lives can be spared the misery of drug abuse, and millions of tax dollars can be saved, by preventing drug use before it starts.  HIDTA funds have been provided both to support vital prevention initiatives and to promote better information sharing and collaboration between law enforcement and the prevention stakeholders.

Demand Reduction efforts include Prevention, Treatment and Recovery programs sponsored by governmental and non-profit organizations locally and nationally.

Preventing drug use before it begins is a cost-effective, common-sense approach to promoting safe and healthy communities.

Chicago HIDTA has collaborated with the Candor Health Education (Formerly Robert Crown Center) on the Heroin and Drug Prevention Program for Students which utilized the Candor’s Science Behind the Drugs Brain software to educate students on the hazards of prescription and illicit drugs.

 The Chicago HIDTA has partnered with other HIDTAs and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the Overdose Response Strategy Initiative. The ORS Initiative partners Public Safety and Public Health to address the nationwide Overdose epidemic.

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